There is a village 40 km from Palermo where no time machine is needed to go back in time. We are talking about Caccamo, whose castle is one of the largest and best-preserved Norman castles in Sicily and Italy.
We are on the top of Mount San Calogero, approximately 500 meters above sea level, with breathtaking views of the Sicilian countryside and Rosamarina Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes in Sicily.

You can visit the castle every day from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm. On the stairs leading to the castle, a small door will introduce you to the Bottega nella Roccia where Mr. Giovanni Aglialoro awaits visitors to tell them everything about the sites, art, and landscape as well as history, traditions and much more.
In fact, in addition to telling the story of Caccamo, Mr. Giovanni will delight your palates by letting you taste the typical products of the area, such as almonds or pistachio cream, jams and even a sip of marsala. All these products and many others can be purchased at low prices.

The shop was once a small farmhouse of the early 20th century. Mr. Giovanni will tell you its story and illustrate all the ancient objects kept there. The white and blue-tiled kitchen still has pots, pans, and utensils, an old tool to make fresh pasta and, on the wall, some dated pictures, taken by Giovanni himself.
After the tasting, the purchase of products and the visit to the old house, Mr. Giovanni leaves us with a couple of tips on taking beautiful photos, advice on where to dine and what to taste. It’s Sicilian hospitality at its best!