From November 7-11 “The Divine Comedy” opera/musical, directed by Andrea Ortis with a screenplay by Gianmario Paganoun, will come to the Isernia Auditorium. The performance is characterized by a deep and engaging restyling, in which an innovative team and an artistic cast will present the spectator with a different Dante, never before seen.

Actors and dancers will dance to the notes of maestro Marco Frisina and accompany Dante on his fantastic journey. Spectators will first be pulled into the underworld and then into the golden atmosphere of Paradise, places where the Supreme Poet will meet a myriad of characters rich in symbolism and hidden meanings.
The director Andrea Ortis brings the most important work of Italian literature of all time, known and studied all over the world, on stage and relaying the same message originally transmitted by Dante in 1300 that still speaks to the audience today. Devoured by vices and passions, but forever searching for that meaning of life and love.

The ticket office at the Auditorium in Isernia is open every day from November 2 through November 6 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and in the afternoon from 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm. On premiere day, November 7th, the ticket office will remain open all day long. Tickets are also available on www.liveticket.it.
Copyright photos: Regione Molise; Travelnostop; Primo Piano Molise