A family weekend in Verona with the 15th edition of Family Happening! A festival dedicated to children and families in the beautiful northern Italian city of Verona. It’s no secret that the Italian culture is based on famiglia and so it stands to reason that virtually all festivals and events are geared toward the little ones as well. Some, in particular, are designed exclusively for them and this festival held throughout the main piazzas in Verona’s historic center is just that.
This Year’s Theme
The 15th edition of the festival will be held from September 6 through 8 with a theme of “Tutto Nasce da un Si”. This phrase translates to- “Everything Begins with a Yes”. On the event’s website, the theme is explained in further detail stating that every single human action is the fruit of an act of freedom- the freedom of saying “yes”. From the choice of which schools, jobs, husband or wife, accepting life’s difficulties and challenges, and saying “yes” to the beauty of life in all circumstances. It also means reflecting on the love in one’s life and moving forward with the joy of knowing that you’re important to others.
Program of Events
The family fun begins on Friday, September 6 at 9 pm in the Basilica di San Zeno with a theatrical performance free to everyone. Then on Saturday, September 7, beginning at 12:30 pm, the Cortile Mercato Vecchio will come alive with a luncheon followed by various guest speakers beginning at 4 pm. If you are traveling with children, then head over to the Loggia di Fra’ Giocondo and Piazza dei Signori. You’ll find numerous kids’ workshops ranging from art to theater to dance beginning at 3 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Sunday morning will also include a special family mass at 11 am at the Cortile Mercato Vecchio followed by more special guest speakers in the afternoon.
As your summer travels may be coming to an end, we hope that your visit to Verona and the Family Happening Festival will leave you with fond memories of Italy and its culture.
To read more about the beautiful region of Veneto, including events, click here.