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Home » Leonardo’s Day in Vinci

leonardo-da-vinci-500“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

Leonardo Da Vinci

1519-2019: 500 years after the death of the great genius, the whole world celebrates his infinite contributions to humanity.

“Leonardo’s Day” will be held in Vinci on Sunday, April 28, 2019. An entire day of festivities dedicated to Leonardo are planned to celebrate the anniversary of his birth (15 April 1452) and to mark 500 years after his death in Amboise in 1519.

From 10:00 to 19:30, Vinci will be transformed into a big celebration. A whole day of events are planned from the Piazza del “Cavallo” to the Castle and along the Strada Verde to his birthplace in Anchiano.

A rainbow of events dedicated to Leonardo have been devised by the Associations of Vinci and beyond, which will pay tribute to the Genius, with the patronage of the Tuscany Region and the Municipalities of Vinci and Amboise.

50 FREE EVENTS are open to everyone!


The complete program can be downloaded here (in Italian). Basically, the day’s events have been divided into colors: blue “birthday party” dedicated to children with music, shows, workshops and finally, birthday cake; purple with artistic performances and murals; pink “in the footsteps of the genius” with a mass and guided visits in the Leonardiana Library “the codes of Leonardo”; green “in nature” with theatrical performances, ancient games, music and dance and Leonardo’s drawings reproduced in the midst of nature and events all day at his birthplace in nearby Anchiano.


April 28th is just one of the events planned for the year of Leonardo throughout the province of Florence. Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Please visit the official website for details.

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