The lush (and most photographed in the world) landscape of Val d’Orcia, a Unesco World Heritage Site, iconic for its influence on wine production, will hold its tenth annual Orcia Wine Festival from the 25th through the 28th of April in San Quirico d’Orcia, Siena. The market exhibition of Orcia wine producers is sponsored by the municipal administration of San Quirico d’Orcia in collaboration with the Consorzio Vino Orcia and Onav Siena.
“Orcia wines- explains Donatella Cinelli Colombini, president of the Consortium of Orcia wine- is born in about forty small wineries where almost everything is still done by hand, often by the producer himself.”
The Orcia appellation was born on February 14th, 2000, and includes the Orcia varieties obtained from red grapes with at least 60% Sangiovese and Orcia “Sangiovese” with at least 90% of this variety, both also in the “Riserva” type. The name Orcia includes the types Bianco, Rosato and Vin Santo.
Val d’Orcia, an area known for its aged, red wines, will be at the centre of the 2019 edition, “la Francigena del vino” and will enliven the historic center of San Quirico with the market exhibition of the producers in the frescoed rooms of Palazzo Chigi.
The program is over flowing with guided cellar tours (by mini-bus, by bike, on foot); the Master class with Simone Loguercio (best Italian sommelier Ais); music (opera, folk and trio); tastings led by Onav; the gala dinner; workshops for children; an antique car show by the Kursaal Car Club. There truly is something for everyone’s taste!
In an era of globalization, Orcia wine is still a family product, made by those who live in the midst of the vineyards, with respect for nature and with excellent skills in enology and viticulture.
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