The Torre del Vicario is an evocative and fascinating accommodation connected to the “Viae Florentinae”, a more than 100-year-old commercial road that linked Romagna to Tuscany since the early Middle Ages. This hiking trail truly makes for an unforgettable experience during your stay in the area.
The Trail: “Il Sentiero di Crinale”
Below is a section of the route taken from the map of Baccio del Bianco dated 1641, the oldest existing in the town with the beginning of the path near the tower house guarding the road of the pass which has now been transformed into a holiday home. The Torre del Vicario holiday residence is a unique place where guests can savor the building’s medieval charm while enjoying a relaxing view of the mountains with a private garden.
Points of Interest Along the Trail
The trail, sentiero di crinale, indicated with the number 20 signs (or Cai 685) is one of the most panoramic of the Apennines.
Along the way, you will come across old shrines and stone cottages.
Going up along the path that leads to Monte delle Tre Croci, you will come across the ruins of the ancient fortified stronghold of the Ubaldini, the castle of Val d’Agnello (renamed the Castellaccio by the locals) at 641 meters.
Continuing along the ridge, among woods and panoramic views of the valley, you’ll reach Mount Prevaligo which acts as a watershed between the Senio and Lamone valleys and which recalls Dante in the XXVII canto of the Inferno of the Divine Comedy, quoting the great leader Maghinardo Pagani … “The cities of Lamone and Santerno Governs the Lioncel of the white lair, Who changes sides ‘twixt summer-time and winter.”
Descending the ridge, you’ll reach the ancient town of Lozzole (796 m), once inhabited by about thirty families, with the church dedicated to San Bartolomeo. It was rebuilt in 1782 on an existing structure dating back to the 13th century and now has been admirably restored.
Continuing towards the valley, you’ll go through the charming abandoned village of Campergozzole (the buildings are unsafe so it is advisable not to enter). At the first crossroads on the right, above the “Cà Scheta” road, lies a typical farmhouse where you can enjoy the panoramic view of the valley before continuing the journey towards town.
On the way back, a visit to the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Nevi in Acquadalto is highly recommended. Since 1630 the sanctuary has been displaying its sacred image of the Virgin (done by one of Botticelli’s pupils) to the faithful and to pilgrims.
Since the mid-1700s, the imposing sacred building has been entrusted to the care of a community of Franciscan nuns who over the centuries have contributed to the preservation of the church and the construction of a convent.
We suggest you follow the route via GPS by downloading the appropriate Wikiloc application (itinerary no. 20) and consulting the Palazzuolo Outdoor website.
This is just one of the many reasons to visit Palazzuolo sul Senio, one of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy.