Yoga lovers have a charming new home: the mountains of Valle d’Aosta. The Yoga Mountain Festival takes place from June 17 through July 8, 2018. Numerous events are planned in some of the most evocative, historical places in the Alpine region. An ideal place to find yourself and get in tune with the truly extraordinary mother nature of Valle d’Aosta. The events are not only for enthusiasts, but also for beginners who want to discover this discipline that combines body, mind and spirit, and contributes to well-being and quality of life.

“The Valle d’Aosta is an ideal place to live thanks to its nature, untouched landscapes, its appreciated tranquility; these characteristics are well matched with the practice of Yoga and the Yoga Mountain Festival was born with the intent to make the Valle d’Aosta known as an ideal place for this millenary practice – commented the Regional Tourism Councilor, Aurelio Marguerettaz -. A “healthy” way to be able to appreciate nearby special places in the region and enjoy the benefits of Yoga.”
The theme of this edition of the Festival is “United in beauty”, to signify the magical encounter between the beauty of the Valle d’Aosta landscapes and its relaxing atmospheres with all the benefits of yoga.
Sunday 17 June
Gran Place. Pollein
Solstice Festival: an event organized by L’Agrou, an association that has been promoting the dissemination of the culture of complementary therapies for more than ten years. You will be able to practice free yoga classes, buy and test products and holistic activities. – 335 8402730
Thursday, June 21st
On World Yoga Day, a walk will be organized to discover the mysterious Aosta followed by two meditations in the evocative garden / garden of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the historical center of the city led by Giovanna Cucchieri and Roberto Surjadev. The day will end with a vegetarian solidarity dinner organized by the Ollignan Foundation. – – 320 8737666 – 320 9436571
Saturday 23 June
Megalithic area of Saint-Martin-de-Corleans. Aosta
Reflection “Yoga: chiaroscuro of a discipline and its teaching from antiquity to the present” with Barbara Biscotti vice president Yani and Federico Squarcini. – 348 3000129
Sunday, June 24th
Fort Bard. Bard
Total Yoga Day with free yoga classes open to all, 4 seminars held by Barbara Biscotti and Barbara Woehler, a preview of the film “Voices from Silence”, a documentary on hermits in Italy directed by Joshua Wahlen and Alessandro Seidita, Yoga and Art for children, book presentations by Cinzia Picchioni. The day will end with a concert seminar by Emiliano Toso.
For event reservations at Fort Bard: – – 3208737666 – 320 9436571 – 348 3000129
From July 6th to 8th
The festival will end with the third edition of the Monterosa Yoga Festival “United in beauty” in the splendid setting of Val d’Ayas in Champoluc, three days dedicated to yoga and meditation. – 349 2234599 –
Yoga Mountain Festival Valle d’Aosta is coordinated by VDA Yoga
For information: | FB VDA Yoga | Tel. 320 8737666/320 9436571 | VDA
copyright: Studio ESSECI by Sergio Campagnolo s.a.s. – Press Office and P.R .;